Mac App Sandboxing- Updating files outside the sandbox

狂风中的少年 提交于 2019-12-11 12:02:08


I have an Application for the Mac that I want to publish on in the app store. I order to get it published I need to put in a sandbox. The app access Sqlite files outside the sandbox which the user selects from a openpanel. The App works fine when is performs a select but it fails on inserts and updates. I can remember reading something about some function you could call that could give you write access to files outside the sandbox but for the life I can remember what is was Can anyone enlighten me ?

Regards Christian Arild Stœr Andersen


Add "" with boolean value YES in entitlement file of your project. Add follow "With Sandboxing" section of this link --

When you resolve your URL, by using URLByResolvingBookmarkData: method, you will get the url something like this --


For more information search for -- "NSURLBookmarkCreationWithSecurityScope"

