Integrating HealthCheck endpoint into swagger (open API) UI on dotnet core

我们两清 提交于 2019-12-11 11:29:52


I am using Dotnet Core healthchecks as described here. In short, it looks like this:

First, you configure services like this:

            .AddSqlServer("connectionString", name: "SQlServerHealthCheck")
            ... // Add multiple other checks

Then, you register an endpoint like this:


We are also using Swagger (aka Open API) and we see all the endpoints via Swagger UI, but not the health check endpoint.

Is there a way to add this to a controller method so that Swagger picks up the endpoint automatically, or maybe integrate it with swagger in another way?

The best solution I found so far is to add a custom hardcoded endpoint (like described here), but it is not nice to maintain.


Still looking for a better solution, but a poor man's solution to this problem looks like this:

    public const string HealthCheckEndpoint = "/my/healthCheck/endpoint";

    public void Apply(SwaggerDocument swaggerDoc, DocumentFilterContext context)
        var pathItem = new PathItem();
        pathItem.Get = new Operation()
            Tags = new[] { "ApiHealth" },
            Produces = new[] { "application/json" }

        var properties = new Dictionary<string, Schema>();
        properties.Add("status", new Schema(){ Type = "string" });
        properties.Add("errors", new Schema(){ Type = "array" });

        var exampleObject = new { status = "Healthy", errors = new List<string>()};

        pathItem.Get.Responses = new Dictionary<string, Response>();
        pathItem.Get.Responses.Add("200", new Response() {
            Description = "OK",
            Schema = new Schema() {
                Properties = properties,
                Example = exampleObject }});

        swaggerDoc.Paths.Add(HealthCheckEndpoint, pathItem);


There is no built-in support, either you manually develop a poor man's solution like in the accepted answer or you develop an extension like mentionned in this GitHub issue: NetCore 2.2 - Health Check Support

Swashbuckle is built on top of ApiExplorer, the API metadata component, that ships with ASP.NET Core.

If health-checks endpoints aren't surfaced by that, then they won't be surfaced by Swashbuckle. This is a fundamental aspect to the SB design and is unlikely to change anytime soon.

IMO, this sounds like a perfect candidate for a community add-on package (see

If there was a willing contributor, they could start a new project called Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.HealthChecks, that exposes an extension method on SwaggerGenOptions for enabling the functionality - e.g. EnableHealthCheckDescriptions. Then behind the scenes, this could be implemented as a Document Filter (see readme) that adds the relevant Operation descriptions to the Swagger/OAI document generated by Swashbuckle.


My workaround is to add the following dummy controller.

using HealthChecks.UI.Client;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using System;

public class HealthController: ControllerBase
    public UIHealthReport Health()
        throw new NotImplementedException("");


I used this approach and it worked well for me:

Add a new controller e.g. HealthController and inject the HealthCheckService into the constructor. The HealthCheckService is added as a dependency when you call AddHealthChecks in Startup.cs:

The HealthController should appear in Swagger when you rebuild:

public class HealthController : Controller
    private readonly HealthCheckService _healthCheckService;
    public HealthController(HealthCheckService healthCheckService)
        _healthCheckService = healthCheckService;

    /// <summary>
    /// Get Health
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>Provides an indication about the health of the API</remarks>
    /// <response code="200">API is healthy</response>
    /// <response code="503">API is unhealthy or in degraded state</response>
    [ProducesResponseType(typeof(HealthReport), (int)HttpStatusCode.OK)]
    [SwaggerOperation(OperationId = "Health_Get")]
    public async Task<IActionResult> Get()
        var report = await _healthCheckService.CheckHealthAsync();

        return report.Status == HealthStatus.Healthy ? Ok(report) : StatusCode((int)HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable, report);

One thing I noticed though is the endpoint is still "/health" (or whatever you set it to in Startup.cs) and not "/api/vxx/health" but it will still appear correctly in Swagger.

