I'm working on an OpenLaszlo application using the unreleased version of OpenLaszlo 5.0 (trunk). In one of my classes I need to import ActionScript 3 classes. What is the recommended way to add such import statements?
LZX supports the passthrough tag. The passthrough tag in turn has a when attribute, where you can specify a boolean expression, e.g. $as3 or $swf10:
<canvas debug="true">
<class name="foo">
<passthrough when="$as3">
import flash.system.Capabilities;
<handler name="oninit">
if ($as3) {
} else {
Debug.info("flash.system.Capabilities can only be used in the SWFx runtime");
<foo />
For the SWFx runtime, the import statement is then injected into the genereated ActionScript 3 class.