When compiling a project in Eclipse, I get below error:
Fatal error compiling: tools.jar not found:
How is this caused and how can I solve it?
Goto Windows -> Preferences
Java -> Installed JREs –> Execution Environment
JavaSE1.x -> JDE 1.x
If you don’t have the JDK
in the Installed JRE
, then
Select the Installed JRE
and Add the JDK
installed path
Let's try to configure your run configurations to clean install
Click on the small black arrow and then Run Configurations
After, you just put clean install in your Maven goal, like this :
And then, try to run your compilation, and we will see what happens... :)
You need to put the right Java Build path for your project.
In Eclipse:
--> Right click the project name - Properties (keyboard shortcut: [Alt] + [Enter] )
--> Libraries
--> Change the JRE7 to JDK7.
And I think the problem will be solved that way ;)