I have got simple ASP.NET WebForms project with only few pages and I would like to use friendly URLs (not only for SEO but also localization of URLs). I use .NET 4.5 for this project and have tried to use Microsoft.AspNet.FriendlyUrls nuget package which looked like it might help. But there is one issue.
I've got in Global.asax this:
void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Code that runs on application startup
and RouteConfig class looks like this:
public static class RouteConfig
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
routes.MapPageRoute("HowItWorks", "ako-to-funguje", "~/HowItWorks.aspx");
routes.MapPageRoute("AboutUs", "o-nas", "~/AboutUs.aspx");
routes.MapPageRoute("Contact", "kontakt", "~/Contact.aspx");
var settings = new FriendlyUrlSettings();
settings.AutoRedirectMode = RedirectMode.Permanent;
I want to show the same page if you access it through both /HowItWorks and /ako-to-funguje (which is Slovak locale).
And now I am getting close to actual issue. When I access site with one of localized routes (e.g. /ako-to-funguje) then Request.GetFriendlyUrlFileVirtualPath() returns empty string (but I want to get "~/HowItWorks.aspx" upon which I want to do some stuff in master page).
string pageFileName = Request.GetFriendlyUrlFileVirtualPath();
switch (pageFileName)
case "~/AboutUs.aspx":
//do some stuff
case "~/HowItWorks.aspx":
//do some stuff
case "~/Contact.aspx":
//do some stuff
If I access site with /HowItWorks URL then Request.GetFriendlyUrlFileVirtualPath() returns "~/HowItWorks.aspx" as expected.
Any idea how to get "~/HowItWorks.aspx" from Request.GetFriendlyUrlFileVirtualPath() when accessing site through both /HowItWorks and /ako-to-funguje?
At the end I've come up with own workaround of this issue. I've created own extension method for http request which returns virtual file path to currently executed page:
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Routing;
using Microsoft.AspNet.FriendlyUrls;
namespace Utils.Extensions
public static class HttpRequestExtensions
public static string GetFileVirtualPathFromFriendlyUrl(this HttpRequest request)
string ret = string.Empty;
ret = request.GetFriendlyUrlFileVirtualPath();
if (ret == string.Empty)
foreach (RouteBase r in RouteTable.Routes)
if (r.GetType() == typeof(Route))
Route route = (Route)r;
if ("/" + route.Url == request.Path)
if (route.RouteHandler.GetType() == typeof(PageRouteHandler))
PageRouteHandler handler = (PageRouteHandler)route.RouteHandler;
ret = handler.VirtualPath;
return ret;
Please check with
string requestUrl = this.Request.GetFriendlyUrlFileVirtualPath().ToLowerInvariant();
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(requestUrl)) {
requestUrl = this.Request.AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath.ToLowerInvariant();
I updated Petriq's answer to handle parameters in the url
public static string GetFileVirtualPathFromFriendlyUrl(this HttpRequest request) {
string ret = request.GetFriendlyUrlFileVirtualPath();
if (ret == string.Empty) {
for(int j = 0, a = RouteTable.Routes.Count; j<a;j++) {
RouteBase r = RouteTable.Routes[j];
if (r.GetType() == typeof(Route)) {
Route route = (Route)r;
StringBuilder newroute = new StringBuilder(route.Url);
if (route.Defaults != null && route.Defaults.Count > 1) {
string[] keys = route.Defaults.Select(x => x.Key).ToArray();
foreach (string k in keys) {
newroute = newroute.Replace("{" + k + "}", k.CheckQueryString());
if (String.Compare(newroute.ToString(), request.Path.Replace(request.ApplicationPath, ""), true) == 0) {
if (route.RouteHandler.GetType() == typeof(PageRouteHandler)) {
PageRouteHandler handler = (PageRouteHandler)route.RouteHandler;
return handler.VirtualPath;
return ret;
The Routes can now be
RouteValueDictionary contactDefault = new RouteValueDictionary { { "person", UrlParameter.Optional } };
routes.MapPageRoute("Contact", "kontakt/{person}", "~/Contact.aspx");