There are various fitness activities in Google Fit API such as Aerobics, Badminton, Boxing, Weight Lifting, etc. How do I get the readings of the steps counted and the calories burnt for each of these activities using Google Fit API? Any sort of suggestions are most welcome. Thanks in advance.
I'm not sure if this result is what you need.
You can use bucketByActivitySegement
under DataReadRequest.Builder
to split each activity segement.
DataReadRequest readRequest = new DataReadRequest.Builder()
.bucketByActivitySegment( 1, TimeUnit.MINUTES) // just segement time over 1 minute will be list
.setTimeRange(startTimeLong, endTimeLong, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
Fitness.getHistoryClient(context, GoogleSignIn.getLastSignedInAccount(context))
The result you will get several bucket, each bucket is one activity segment. An bucket contain two DataSets. One is step value, another one is calories value. Just like the following:
Bucket 0: activity: still, 05/09 00:00~08:03
-DataSet 0:
--DataPoint 0: 05/09 08:02~09:03
---Field name: steps, value: 55
-DataSet 1:
--DataPoint 0: 05/09 00:00~08:03
---Field name: calories, value: 459.41046
Bucket 1: acitvity: walking, 05/09 08:03~08:09
-DataSet 0:
--DataPoint 0: 05/09 08:03~08:04
---Field name: steps, value: 181
-DataSet: 1
--DataPoint 0: 05/09 08:03~08:09
---Field name: calories, value: 20.808548
Bucket 2: activity: in_vehicle, 05/09 08:09~08:48
-DataSet 0:
--DataPoint 0: 05/09 08:33~08:38
---Field name: steps, value: 156
-DataSet 1:
--DataPoint 0: 05/09 08:09~08:48
---Field name: calories, value: 36.633526
Bucket 3: activity: walking, 05/09 08:48~09:12
If the result you need if the aggregate value for each type during a duration, you can use bucketByActivityType
DataReadRequest readRequest = new DataReadRequest.Builder()
.bucketByActivityType( 1, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
.setTimeRange(startTimeLong, endTimeLong, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
It will return the total value for each type during your TimeRange.
Bucket 0: activity: still, 05/09 00:00 ~ 05/16 18:42
-DataSet 0:
--DataPoint 0: 05/09 00:00 ~ 05/16 18:42
---Field name: calories, value: 9984.753
-DataSet 1:
--DataPoint 0: 05/09 08:02 ~ 05/16 17:24
---Field name: steps, value: 6499
Bucket 1: acitvity: walking, 05/09 08:03 ~ 05/16 13:28
-DataSet 0:
--DataPoint 0: 05/09 08:03 ~ 05/16 13:28
---Field name: calories, value: 1214.7212
-DataSet: 1
--DataPoint 0: 05/09 08:03 ~ 05/16 13:20
---Field name: steps, value: 12750
Bucket 2: activity: in_vehicle, 05/09 08:09 ~ 05/09 08:48
-DataSet 0:
--DataPoint 0: 05/09 08:09 ~ 05/09 08:48
---Field name: calories, value: 36.633526
-DataSet 1:
--DataPoint 0: 05/09 08:33 ~ 05/09 08:38
---Field name: steps, value: 156
Bucket 3: activity: aerobics, 05/11 18:00 ~ 05/11 18:59
Hope this helps you.
--- 2018/05/30 update ---
In addOnSuccessListener()
you can add a Listener like this:
new OnSuccessListener<DataReadResponse>() {
public void onSuccess(DataReadResponse dataReadResult) {
String returnValue = "";
if (dataReadResult.getBuckets().size() > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < dataReadResult.getBuckets().size(); i++) {
returnValue += "\n\n" + i + " ---new bucket-- activity: " + dataReadResult.getBuckets().get(i).getActivity() + "\n"
+ getNoYearDateWithTimeFormat().format(dataReadResult.getBuckets().get(i).getStartTime(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) + "~"
+ getNoYearDateWithTimeFormat().format(dataReadResult.getBuckets().get(i).getEndTime(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
for (int j = 0; j < dataReadResult.getBuckets().get(i).getDataSets().size(); j++) {
returnValue += "\n-data set " + j + "-package: " + dataReadResult.getBuckets().get(i).getDataSets().get(j).getDataSource().getAppPackageName() + ", stream: " + dataReadResult.getBuckets().get(i).getDataSets().get(j).getDataSource().getStreamIdentifier();
returnValue += handleDailyRecordInDataSet(dataReadResult.getBuckets().get(i).getDataSets().get(j));
if (fitnessListener != null) {
fitnessListener.readActionDone(null, returnValue);
In each bucket you can get several DataSet per data type.
private String handleDailyRecordInDataSet(DataSet dataSet) {
String returnValue = "";
for (DataPoint dataPoint : dataSet.getDataPoints()) {
long startTime = dataPoint.getStartTime(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
long endTime = dataPoint.getEndTime(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
String tempValue = "DataPoint start: " + getDateWithTimeFormat().format(new Date(startTime))
+ ", end=" + getDateWithTimeFormat().format(new Date(endTime))
+ ", type=" + dataPoint.getDataType().getName() + ", package=" + dataPoint.getDataSource().getAppPackageName() + ", stream=" + dataPoint.getDataSource().getStreamIdentifier();
if (dataPoint.getDataSource().getDevice() != null) {
tempValue += "\nManufacturer=" + dataPoint.getDataSource().getDevice().getManufacturer() + ", model=" + dataPoint.getDataSource().getDevice().getModel()
+ ", uid: " + dataPoint.getDataSource().getDevice().getUid() + ", type=" + dataPoint.getDataSource().getDevice().getType();
tempValue += "\norigin source: package=" + dataPoint.getOriginalDataSource().getAppPackageName() + ", stream=" + dataPoint.getOriginalDataSource().getStreamIdentifier();
if (dataPoint.getOriginalDataSource().getDevice() != null) {
tempValue += "\nManufacturer=" + dataPoint.getOriginalDataSource().getDevice().getManufacturer() + ", model=" + dataPoint.getOriginalDataSource().getDevice().getModel()
+ ", uid: " + dataPoint.getOriginalDataSource().getDevice().getUid() + ", type=" + dataPoint.getOriginalDataSource().getDevice().getType();
returnValue += ("\n\n" + tempValue);
for (Field field : dataPoint.getDataType().getFields()) {
String fieldValue = "Field name: " + field.getName() + ", value: " + dataPoint.getValue(field);
returnValue += ("\n" + fieldValue);
return returnValue;