I have searched through the web, but haven't found any answer so far to the following question, therefore I want to ask here if someone could help me out with that:
basically what i need is the same as in the solution from PraveenofPersia/Jesse there, but only the python implementation considering a Fisherface Recognizer: Any tips on confidence score for face verification (as opposed to face recognition)?
up to now I am facing the problem, that cv2 does not offer either subspaceProject nor any other.
has anyone suggestions here?
thank you!
those functions are unfortunately not exposed to the python api by default.
if you're building the cv2.pyd from source, there's an easy remedy :
- locate their resp. declarations, opencv/modules/contrib/include/opencv2/contrib/contrib.hpp
- change
CV_EXPORTS Mat subspaceProject(...)
toCV_EXPORTS_W Mat subspaceProject(...)
CV_EXPORTS Mat subspaceReconstruct(...)
toCV_EXPORTS_W Mat subspaceReconstruct(...)
rerun cmake / make to rebuild the cv libs and the python wrapper module
thew additional _W prefix will add those functions to the generated wrappers
I went ahead and re-wrote the functions in C++ as python. It's not the cleanest, but it works! If you take this python code and couple it with the high level concepts from another C++ example you can do exactly what you're trying to do.
# projects samples into the LDA subspace
def subspace_project(eigenvectors_column, mean, source):
source_rows = len(source)
source_cols = len(source[0])
if len(eigenvectors_column) != source_cols * source_rows:
raise Exception("wrong shape")
flattened_source = []
for row in source:
flattened_source += [float(num) for num in row]
flattened_source = np.asarray(flattened_source)
delta_from_mean = cv2.subtract(flattened_source, mean)
# flatten the matrix then convert to 1 row by many columns
delta_from_mean = np.asarray([np.hstack(delta_from_mean)])
empty_mat = np.array(eigenvectors_column, copy=True) # this is required for the function call but unused
result = cv2.gemm(delta_from_mean, eigenvectors_column, 1.0, empty_mat, 0.0)
return result
# reconstructs projections from the LDA subspace
def subspace_reconstruct(eigenvectors_column, mean, projection, image_width, image_height):
if len(eigenvectors_column[0]) != len(projection[0]):
raise Exception("wrong shape")
empty_mat = np.array(eigenvectors_column, copy=True) # this is required for the function call but unused
# GEMM_2_T transposes the eigenvector
result = cv2.gemm(projection, eigenvectors_column, 1.0, empty_mat, 0.0, flags=cv2.GEMM_2_T)
flattened_array = result[0]
flattened_image = np.hstack(cv2.add(flattened_array, mean))
flattened_image = np.asarray([np.uint8(num) for num in flattened_image])
all_rows = []
for row_index in xrange(image_height):
row = flattened_image[row_index * image_width: (row_index + 1) * image_width]
image_matrix = np.asarray(all_rows)
image = normalize_hist(image_matrix)
return image
def normalize_hist(face):
face_as_mat = np.asarray(face)
equalized_face = cv2.equalizeHist(face_as_mat)
equalized_face = cv.fromarray(equalized_face)
return equalized_face