I'm intending to build draw.io since cloning the repository and publish it to e.g. GitHub pages does not allow me to make use of the lightbox.
I assume that this repository only includes the client-side Java code but the lightbox is server-sided.
I want to make use of the lightbox, which allows making use of the plugins in view mode.
Instead of draw.io/?p=ex&lightbox=1&...(explorer plugin enabled), I would like to make it accessible via mydomain.io/drawio.../?p=ex&lightbox=1&...
When I clone the repository I have only access to the editor vai mydomain.io/drawio/src/main/webapp/index.html
, like the public clone on (jgraph.github.io/drawio/src/main/webapp/index.html
Anyone here, who could give me some guidance to include the right features in the build?
Neither draw.io build documentation nor Embed Diagrams tell anything about such details.
I find some more details on the mxgraph repository, Facebook and YouTube but nothing gives me the slightest clue how to continue.