I'm using SourceTree and have 2 GitHub accounts. I connect and push my commits to one of them. First time SourceTree ask me to enter password, but when I wanted to push to my other GitHub account it doesn't ask me to enter the password and just show this error:
I couldn't find a way to change the password. I could push to the other site like GitLab, but I couldn't find a way to change the password for another GitHub account. What should I do?
Os: macOs Seirra
Under Tools > Options > Authentification you can edit your username
you can change password for git-credential-sourcetree in Keychain Access
In new version of Sourcetree, new Account tab added to the preference.
In Windows, sometimes the answers provided by "Crux lp" and "Haven Lin" may not work. In that case, just go to "windows credential manager" then click on "Windows Credentials" and find your account in the list. Press on "Edit" and change your password.