So I'm creating a site using MVC, and my DropDownLists and DropDownListFors do not look the same as the other input elements on the page. I tried setting their class to be the same "form-control", and even tried adding my own class in the css that has pretty much the same properties called "mydropdown" and using that - neither had an effect.
So I found this very handy thread answered by Joseph Woodward that I just tried....
I'm using VB instead of C# so I had to translate it. This is my translated BootstrapHtml:
Public Class BootstrapHtml
Public Function Dropdown(id As String, selectListItems As List(Of SelectListItem), label As String) As MvcHtmlString
Dim button = New TagBuilder("button")
button.Attributes.Add("id", id)
button.Attributes.Add("type", "button")
button.Attributes.Add("data-toggle", "dropdown")
button.InnerHtml += " " + BuildCaret()
Dim wrapper = New TagBuilder("div")
wrapper.InnerHtml += button.ToString
wrapper.InnerHtml += BuildDropdown(id, selectListItems)
Return New MvcHtmlString(wrapper.ToString)
End Function
Private Function BuildCaret() As String
Dim caret = New TagBuilder("span")
Return caret.ToString
End Function
Private Function BuildDropdown(id As String, items As IEnumerable(Of SelectListItem)) As String
Dim list = New TagBuilder("ul")
list.Attributes.Add("class", "dropdown-menu")
list.Attributes.Add("role", "menu")
list.Attributes.Add("aria-labelledby", id)
Dim listItem = New TagBuilder("li")
listItem.Attributes.Add("role", "presentation")
For Each x In items
list.InnerHtml += "<li role=\presentation\>" & BuildListRow(x) & "</li>"
Return list.ToString
End Function
Private Function BuildListRow(item As SelectListItem) As String
Dim anchor = New TagBuilder("a")
anchor.Attributes.Add("role", "menuitem")
anchor.Attributes.Add("tabindex", "-1")
anchor.Attributes.Add("href", item.Value)
Return anchor.ToString
End Function
End Class
The one thing I'm not sure I got right was the string concatenation in the For Each loop....
In any case, in my view I tried using
@BootstrapHtml.Dropdown("typecombo", TypeList, "Dropdown")
but it gave me a code error:
Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference.
So I added a declaration in the code section at the top:
Dim newDropDown As BootstrapHtml = New BootstrapHtml
And my line in the view now looks like this:
@newDropDown = BootstrapHtml.Dropdown("typecombo", TypeList, "Dropdown")
So now my site runs with no errors, however when I go to this page, instead of a dropdown list I am seeing the string, which is this:
[myproject].BootstrapHtml = BootstrapHtml.Dropdown("typecombo", TypeList, "Dropdown")
So, I guess first off is the string translation in my class correct (as mentioned above)? And if it is, why am I seeing the string on my page instead of an actual drop down?
Thank you!!
Based on linked post the Dropdown
method should be static. which in Vb.Net is Shared
keyword ie
Public Class BootstrapHtml
Public Shared Function Dropdown(id As String, selectListItems As List(Of SelectListItem), label As String) As MvcHtmlString
'''other code removed for brevity
End Function
End Class
Actually, all the functions in that class should be shared. That is what caused the reference error you mentioned.
With that you should then be able to call it like in the example.
@BootstrapHtml.Dropdown("typecombo", TypeList, "Dropdown")