I want to make a bit of code to have a small "routing table" in my Go program.
I'm using left-leaning red-black trees with the http://github.com/petar/GoLLRB package and basically it seems to work after fussing with it for a bit, however I suspect that I'm not sorting the IP prefixes correctly when I create the tree. The "lessThan" function I used experimentally is
func lessRoute(a, b interface{}) bool {
aNet := a.(Route).Net
bNet := b.(Route).Net
for i, a := range aNet.IP {
if a < bNet.IP[i] {
return true
if a > bNet.IP[i] {
return false
return false
(the full code is at https://gist.github.com/4283789 )
This seems to give me the correct results, but not very efficiently.
In my test I'm adding routes for
AddRouteString(tree, "", 10)
AddRouteString(tree, "", 20)
AddRouteString(tree, "", 21)
and then when looking up a route for it will look through and before finding the right result.
How should I order my tree to find the right results faster?
Update: @jnml has an excellent suggestion of how to make the IP comparison faster (and maybe that's the best I can do), but it seems to me like there'd be a way to make advantage of the prefix length to order the tree so matches can be found in less steps. That's what I am looking for.
I would probably write:
if bytes.Compare([]byte(a), []byte(b)) < 0 {
// ... whatever to do when address a < b (lexicographically)
Or for the tree comparator:
func lessRoute(a, b interface{}) bool {
return bytes.Compare([]byte(a.(Route).Net.IP), []byte(b.(Route).Net.IP)) < 0
documented here.