This states that the isFloatingAxis property has been removed from at least version 0.9.
Does anyone know how to float the x axis without this property? In other words, if I want the origin of the graph to be (0,6000) lets say, how can I maintain the x axis inside the plot range, while the y axis is NOT set to:
y.orthogonalCoordinateDecimal = CPTDecimalFromInt(0);
I was able to figure this out by looking in the CPTTestApp example from the CorePlot_0.9 folder. I looked in the class files and found this in Controller.m:
x.axisConstraints = [CPTConstraints constraintWithUpperOffset:132];
For now, this is holding my x axis in the same spot so I can change the orthogonalCoordinateDecimal to 6000 or whatever without the x axis and labels disappearing.
This code should help you. It sets the x-axis to range from 0-6000, and makes visible only that part on plot:
axisSet.xAxis.visibleRange =[CPTPlotRange plotRangeWithLocation:CPTDecimalFromInt(0) length:CPTDecimalFromInt(6000)];
axisSet.xAxis.gridLinesRange = axisSet.xAxis.visibleRange;