I'm hoping to add sharing buttons (Pinterest to start) to each image within a gallery without having to go in and manually include URLs etc. for each individual image/entry. There is plenty of instruction to be had when it comes to including this functionality for other lightboxes--most notably in conjunction with a specific CMS; and I have been reviewing those instructions, as well as w3 resources and other stackoverflow.com entries--with the hope that I could put something together. I'd like to place the share buttons en lieu of the counter. Thus far I've failed. I did have one attempt that resulted in the button being displayed, however the script did not acknowledge the path for the image for a successful "pin." Subsequent attempts at including a "Pin It" button have simply broken Magnific.
Currently, I have:
'<a href="//pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=http%3A%2F
description=Aloha!%20Thank%20you%20for%20Pinning!" data-pin-do="buttonPin" data-pin-
config="none" >
<img src="//assets.pinterest.com/images/pidgets/pin_it_button.png" />
Any tips would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!
There are many ways of adding a button, one of the easiest:
type: 'image',
closeBtnInside: false,
mainClass: 'mfp-with-zoom mfp-img-mobile',
image: {
verticalFit: true,
titleSrc: function(item) {
var caption = item.el.attr('title');
var pinItURL = "http://pinterest.com/pin/create/button/";
// Refer to http://developers.pinterest.com/pin_it/
pinItURL += '?url=' + 'http://dimsemenov.com/plugins/magnific-popup/';
pinItURL += '&media=' + item.el.attr('href');
pinItURL += '&description=' + caption;
return caption + ' · <a class="pin-it" href="'+pinItURL+'" target="_blank"><img src="http://assets.pinterest.com/images/pidgets/pin_it_button.png" /></a>';
gallery: {
enabled: true
callbacks: {
open: function() {
this.wrap.on('click.pinhandler', '.pin-it', function(e) {
window.open(e.currentTarget.href, "intent", "scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,toolbar=no,location=yes,width=550,height=420,left=" + (window.screen ? Math.round(screen.width / 2 - 275) : 50) + ",top=" + 100);
return false;
beforeClose: function() {
Not sure if someone is still interested...although the answer that Dimitry gave is correct, he forgot to mention that you have to change few things:
pinItURL += '?url=' + 'http://dimsemenov.com/plugins/magnific-popup/';
pinItURL += '&media=' + item.el.attr('href');
First line
pinItURL += '?url=' + '***add here your own website***';
Second line I had to add again the name of my website to make the all thing work:
pinItURL += '&media=**add here the name of you website plus /**' + item.el.attr('href');
Hope it helps someone. Thank you Dmitry ;)
The media URL should point to the lightbox image not a website URL + image URL.
Full url is located in attr('href') for each of the images.