Dynamic addition of div using ng-repeat in angularjs

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2019-12-11 04:13:57


I am a beginner in angularjs. I want to dynamically add a div while clicking on add icon.I have done some script on this .

HTML part:

<div ng-show="child" class="childDiv" data-ng-repeat="choice in choices track by $index">
    <label for="childname" class="childname"  >ServerName </label>
    <input  ng-model="serverinfo.childname" type="text" required="required"  placeholder="name"/>
    <label for="childname" class="childname"  >Fullname</label>
    <input  ng-model="serverinfo.childfullname" type="text" required="required"  placeholder="fullname"/>
    <label for="childname" class="childname"  >Mandatory Field</label>
    <input  ng-model="serverinfo.field" type="text" required="required"  placeholder="city/county.."/>
    <label for="childname" class="childname"  >Field values</label>
    <input  ng-model="serverinfo.value" type="text" required="required"  placeholder=""/>
    <i ng-click="removechild()" ng-show="$last" style="padding-left:16em;" class="material-icons">remove</i>                                    
<i ng-click="addchild()" style="padding-left:16em;" class="material-icons">add</i>

JS part:

$scope.addchild  = function() {
    //  $scope.child = true;
    var newItemNo = $scope.choices.length+1;

$scope.removechild  = function() {
    var lastItem = $scope.choices.length-1;

My output is like this,

My issue is like whatever I input in the textbox, it will automatically copy to the next set. Can anyone figure out the issue.


You're currently binding all the values to the same object serverinfo, and because you're inside a loop (ng-repeat) then each field in the loop is bound to the same object in the controller.

You have two options:

Bind the fields to the choice element:

<div ng-show="child" class="childDiv" data-ng-repeat="choice in choices track by $index">
    <input  ng-model="choice.childname" type="text" required="required"  placeholder="name"/>

The above will bind the properties to each choice directly, and will be available in the controller via console.log( $scope.choices[0].childname );

Use the $index indicator to create an array of matched choices:

This is a good solution for cases when you don't want to overwrite/change the values of the original array.

<div ng-show="child" class="childDiv" data-ng-repeat="choice in choices track by $index" ng-init="serverinfo[ $index ].id = choice.id">
    <input  ng-model="serverinfo[ $index ].childname" type="text" required="required"  placeholder="name"/>

The above will bind the properties to a new array object name serverinfo, where each element is relative to a choice in $scope.choices, it will be available in the controller via console.log( $scope.serverinfo[0].childname );

Note that I also added ng-init="serverinfo[ $index ].id = choice.id" to copy the id property of each choice to the new array elements that are dynamically created by the ngRepeat directive loop.


using your repeated item name "choice" instead of serverInfo should solve the issue

                       <div ng-show="child" class="childDiv" data-ng-repeat="choice in choices track by $index">
                                        <label for="childname" class="childname"  >ServerName </label>
                                        <input  ng-model="choice.childname" type="text" required="required"  placeholder="name"/>
                                        <label for="childname" class="childname"  >Fullname</label>
                                        <input  ng-model="choice.childfullname" type="text" required="required"  placeholder="fullname"/>
                                        <label for="childname" class="childname"  >Mandatory Field</label>
                                        <input  ng-model="choice.field" type="text" required="required"  placeholder="city/county.."/>
                                        <label for="childname" class="childname"  >Field values</label>
                                        <input  ng-model="choice.value" type="text" required="required"  placeholder=""/>
                                        <i ng-click="removechild()" ng-show="$last" style="padding-left:16em;" class="material-icons">remove</i>

                                <i ng-click="addchild()" style="padding-left:16em;" class="material-icons">add</i>


That is because you are binding same ng model to each repeating object. put


Do same for other inputs. And if you want serverinfo to contain all this values than copy it.

