How to install geos on debian raspberry pi

拥有回忆 提交于 2019-12-11 04:02:04


Hi I am trying to install geos on a raspberry pi running rasbian wheezy so that I can include the shapely modules in my python scripts. I tried using: git clone git://

this downloads properly, but when I try to run my python script it gives me a traceback error saying OSError: Could not find library geos_c or load any of its variants ['', '']

have I put geos in the wrong place? is there a special way to build the files? Thanks for your help!


You have just downloaded the sources so far. I guess you wanted to install the binary package instead. To install it, type (as root):

apt-get install libgeos++


Shapely uses the GEOS C API. Install it (and the dependencies) with:

apt-get install libgeos-c1

Also, if you need the Cython speedups for Shapely, you will need:

apt-get install libgeos-dev

