Fitting a VLMC to very long sequences

霸气de小男生 提交于 2019-12-11 03:39:26


I am trying to fit a VLMC to a dataset where the longest sequence is 296 states. I do it as shown below:

# Load libraries

# Load and transform data
x <- getURL("")
data <- read.csv(text = x)

data.seq <- seqdef(data[,2:ncol(data)], missing = NA, right = NA, nr = "*")
S1 <- pstree(data.seq, ymin = 0.01, lik = TRUE, with.missing = TRUE, nmin = 2)

This, however, yields the following error:

Error in res[i, , drop = FALSE] : subscript out of bounds

How can I fit the model to data with sequences this long? Are there any good justifications for limiting the length within the model?


The problem comes from your data. By not setting L in the pstree function, you mean that you want to fit a model of maximum order. The fitting process produces an error at L=8, since you have nmin=2 but at this order only one context has nmin=2

> cprob(data.seq, L=8, nmin=2)
 [>] 21 sequences, min/max length: 19/296
 [>] computing prob., L=8, 2043 distinct context(s)
 [>] removing 1894 context(s) where n<2
 [>] total time: 0.156 secs
                        EX  FA I1  I2 I3 N1 N2 N3 NR QU TR [n]
I2-I3-FA-I3-EX-I3-EX-I2  0 0.5  0 0.5  0  0  0  0  0  0  0   2

Fitting a model using L=8 works fine

S1 <- pstree(data.seq, ymin = 0.01, lik = TRUE, nmin = 2, L=8) 

 [>] 21 sequence(s) - min/max length: 19/296
 [>] max. depth L=8, nmin=2, ymin=0.01
     [L]  [nodes]
       0        1
       1       11
       2       99
       3      368
       4      340
       5      126
       6       34
       7        4
       8        1
 [>] computing sequence(s) likelihood ... (0.804 secs)
 [>] total time: 2.968 secs

Again, you don't need to use any 'missing', 'right' or 'nr' option in seqdef(), nor 'with.missing' in pstree()

Best, Alexis

