Name of a property as input to attribute constructor

我是研究僧i 提交于 2019-12-11 03:37:41


I have a custom attribute and I would like it to have the name of a property as input. Because the name is a string it is a valid input type (as attributes are quite limited as to what they can have as input to their constructors). But how can I accomplish this?

Take this example code:

public class MyCustomAttribute : Attribute {
    public MyCustomAttribute(string propertyName) {}

public class Foo {
    public bool MyCustomProperty { get; set; }

    [MyCustom(SomeMagicAppliedToMyCustomProperty)] // I want the attribute to receive something along the lines of "Foo.MyCustomProperty"
    public void Bar();

How can I accomplish this with the limitations to what an attribute can receive in its constructor?


This is not possible. The attributes can accept only constants, just put your MyCustomProperty name in quotes into the Attribute.


There's a new feature in c#-6.0 nameof() that gives the name of the particular property, variable, class etc as a string,


You can also use CallerMemberNameAttribute

public CustomAttribute([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null)
    // ...


I've used this in an MVC5 application with C#6

private const string jobScheduleBindingAllowed = nameof(JobSchedule.JobId) + ", " + nameof(JobSchedule.Time) + ", " + nameof(JobSchedule.EndTime) + ", " + nameof(JobSchedule.TimeZoneId);

Then when I want to specify the bindings that are valid for the model:

public ActionResult CreateJobSchedule([Bind(Include = jobScheduleBindingAllowed)]JobSchedule jobSchedule)
    // stuff

Slightly cumbersome but better than having magic strings everywhere and is type safe so that errors due to renames can be caught at compile time.

