FQL: query for event table returns venue.name instead of venue.id

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2019-12-11 03:28:39


When making a query to get event details I seem to get venue.name instead of venue.id in the result set. Has there been an unannounced change in the table structure or am I doing something wrong. The Graph API Explorer gives the venue.id yet when using FQL through PHP SDK in my own web site it's the venue.name I get.

Heres the code:

"event_info": "SELECT name,description, pic_small,pic_big, eid,venue,location FROM event WHERE eid ='.$_GET['id'].'", 
"event_venue":"SELECT name, username, page_id, location FROM page WHERE name IN (SELECT venue.id FROM #event_info)"

    $setup  =   array(
    'method'    => 'fql.multiquery',
    'queries'     => $fql,
    'callback'  => ''

    $result   =   $facebook->api($setup);

This leads to the "event_venue" result set to be empty.

Here's the dump:

    [0] => Array
            [name] => event_info
        [fql_result_set] => Array
                [0] => Array
                        [eid] => 410351692336116
                        [venue] => Array
                                [name] => Boothill 

                        [location] => Boothill



[1] => Array
        [name] => event_venue
        [fql_result_set] => Array




If I test this query

SELECT name,description, pic_small,pic_big, eid,venue,location
  FROM event WHERE eid ='410351692336116'

using the FQL tab (!) in the Graph API explorer, I get

"venue": {
  "id": 126049334121592

and not the venue’s name.

And doing a multiquery like your’s with the second query being

"event_venue":"SELECT name, username, page_id, location FROM page
  WHERE page_id IN (SELECT venue.id FROM #event_info)"

I’m getting the venue info as well.

Could you please check if you get a different result if you do your queries not using your $setup array with

'method'    => 'fql.multiquery',

but just

$facebook->api('/fql?q='.urlencode('{ "event_info": "…", "event_venue": "… FROM page
  WHERE page_id IN (SELECT venue.id FROM #event_info)" }'));



I've run into this issue today and spent quite some time troubleshooting it. It seems to be related to the Access Token. When I use my App's Access Token to request the venue data, for some venues all I I get is the venue.name field. However, if I use the Graph API Explorer to generate a different token, I get the venue.id field as expected.

I went as far as to replace the Graph API Explorer's generated Access Token with my App Token, and sure enough all I received back was venue.name.

