I am trying to write a program which write the data in Excel. But i keep getting an error which is shown below:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions.setSaveAggressiveNamespaces()Lorg/apache/xmlbeans/XmlOptions;
at org.apache.poi.POIXMLDocumentPart.<clinit>(POIXMLDocumentPart.java:56)
at wriExcel.main(wriExcel.java:19)
On finding the solutions, I could only find that I should use XMLBeans 2.0
or higher.
But, I am using xmlbeans 2.3.0
Is there any other reason for this error.
Use xmlbeans-2.6.0.jar
which resolves my problem...!
This error might be because required needed for the project is not there so you have to download jar and then add that jar to your classpath here is the link
find out which jar you need
Use the xmlbeans jar file shipped with PIO libraries, and avoid to download from any other source as there will be jar file conflicts.
You can find the xmlbeans under "ooxml-lib" shipped with PIO.