Well, I've been checking this for a while, couldn't find an answer to it.
I wanted to append an object which is exposed to python, say Foo:
struct Foo {
Foo(){ std::cout << "Creating a Foo object" << std::endl;}
virtual ~Foo(){ std::cout << "Destroying a Foo object" << std::endl;}
I work with the Foo inherited objects, and at some point I want to append them to a python list. For this, I created a FooWrapper, which inherits from Foo and use the copy constructor to
struct FooWrapper : public Foo {
FooWrapper(const Foo& foo):Foo(foo){ std::cout << "Creating a copy from foo using FooWrapper" << std::endl;}
virtual ~FooWrapper(){ std::cout << "Destroying a FooWrapper object" << std::endl;}
This is exposed to python:
using namespace py = boost::python;
py::class_<FooWrapper>("FooWrapper", py::no_init)…
I have a method which appends the final Foo objects as FooWrapper to a python list, say:
void appendFoosToList(py::list &list)
for ( const Foo* foo : m_foos )
list.append( FooWrapper( *foo ) );
How could I make so that instead of creating a temporary object and then copying to the list, that I append to the list this object, without having to copy the temporary?
I've read many documentations (boost_faq, boost_python_wiki), many times I got this runtime error:
TypeError: No to_python (by-value) converter found for C++ type:
BPL was unable to get C++ value from Python object.
For example, when calling extract(.attr("len")()) to get object length you omitted "()".
And didn't manage to find a solution.
I couldn't find a clear documentation about this, so I come here as the final resort.
In short, allocate the wrapper on the free store and use the manage_new_object result convert to transfer ownership to a Python object. This will cause Boost.Python to copy the pointer when constructing the Python object, rather than copying the pointee.
A C++ object is embedded into the Python object. This is the HeldType provided when exposing the class via class_
, which defaults to the C++ type being exposed. Often, when exposing a function, one can augment the C++ type that gets returned and embedded into the Python object with CallPolicy instances. In particular, using an instance of the return_value_policy CallPolicy with a manage_new_object ResultConverterGenerator allows for the embedded type to be a pointer, and the Python object will manage ownership.
The following function can be used to transfer ownership of an object to Python without making a copy of the pointee:
/// @brief Transfer ownership to a Python object. If the transfer fails,
/// then object will be destroyed and an exception is thrown.
template <typename T>
boost::python::object transfer_to_python(T* t)
// Transfer ownership to a smart pointer, allowing for proper cleanup
// incase Boost.Python throws.
std::unique_ptr<T> ptr(t);
// Use the manage_new_object generator to transfer ownership to Python.
namespace python = boost::python;
typename python::manage_new_object::apply<T*>::type converter;
// Transfer ownership to the Python handler and release ownership
// from C++.
python::handle<> handle(converter(*ptr));
return python::object(handle);
Example usage:
void appendFoosToList(boost::python::list& list)
for (const Foo* foo : m_foos)
list.append(transfer_to_python(new FooWrapper(*foo)));
Here is a complete example demonstrating this approach:
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/python.hpp>
// Mocks...
class spam
spam() { std::cout << "spam(): " << this << std::endl; }
spam(const spam&)
std::cout << "spam(const spam&): " << this << std::endl;
~spam() { std::cout << "~spam(): " << this << std::endl; }
/// @brief Transfer ownership to a Python object. If the transfer fails,
/// then object will be destroyed and an exception is thrown.
template <typename T>
boost::python::object transfer_to_python(T* t)
// Transfer ownership to a smart pointer, allowing for proper cleanup
// incase Boost.Python throws.
std::unique_ptr<T> ptr(t);
// Use the manage_new_object generator to transfer ownership to Python.
namespace python = boost::python;
typename python::manage_new_object::apply<T*>::type converter;
// Transfer ownership to the Python handler and release ownership
// from C++.
python::handle<> handle(converter(*ptr));
return python::object(handle);
void append_to_list(boost::python::list& list)
list.append(transfer_to_python(new spam()));
namespace python = boost::python;
python::class_<spam>("Spam", python::no_init);
python::def("append_to_list", &append_to_list);
Interactive usage:
>>> import example
>>> spams = []
>>> example.append_to_list(spams)
spam(): 0x25cbd90
>>> assert(type(spams[0]) is example.Spam)
>>> del spams
~spam(): 0x25cbd90