get path to groovy source file at runtime

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2019-12-11 03:07:30


Given the following directory structure:


... how can I programmatically obtain the path to myScript.grooy parent directory right in the script itself?

Ultimately I'm trying to read in several files from the same directory the script is in.

EDIT: trying to run it on Windows 7, Groovy 2.0.1, groovy console


Well, the solution is in Java's File class:

println new File(".").absolutePath

If you want to obtain every groovy script in the same directory, maybe you could use some of other facilities in the Groovy JDK, like eachFile:

def files = []
new File(".").eachFile { 
    if (".groovy") ) files << it 
println files

If you want the running script name, well, you've got a problem (

Accordingly to that JIRA, this is the current workaround (which doesn't always work):

URL scriptUrl = getClass().classLoader.resourceLoader

