I have a quick question. Can anyone tell me why the field "PasswordChangeDate" in the helper controlled table "webpages_Membership" (automatically filled using the Web.Security Helper, I'm pretty sure) is logging a date/time that is 5 hours off? I just changed my password and looked at the field and saw that while I had changed my password at 10:50 AM, it showed 3:50 PM. Is there a setting somewhere (possibly for time zone, etc.) that I need to adjust within the Web.Security helper? One thing I do know is that when I go to the "Site" section in WebMatrix, in the "Request" tab, it IS in fact showing the correct timestamps for my requests here.
Any help is very much appreciated!
The SimpleMembership Provider uses UTC DateTimes, so presumably your time zone is UTC - 5 (or somewhere on the eastern side of the USA). You can either implement your own Membership Provider and override all the methods that insert a DateTime value into the membership database, or convert the stored time to one of your preferred time zone using the TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc method.
What you can do if it is important for you to display the local time that a user registered or changed their password is to ask them what time zone they are in when they register. You can then store the offset form UTC as part of their profile, and use that with the DateTime.AddHours method to calculate the time in their time zone.