I am using JavaScript HttpAdapter in my maven project. I have a situation where my customer expects to have more than one HttpAdapter as part of the adapter.xml file. This is something that I have not tried before.
Is it possible to have more than one adapter configuration in a single file? Does IBM MFP adapter support this?
If yes, please share your thoughts.
Thanks, Janarthanan
my customer expects to have more than one HttpAdapter as part of the adapter.xml file.
You can't have an adapter.xml file for more than one adapter.
An Adapter is a separate Maven project. You can create one adapter with multiple Procedure.
Is it possible to have more than one adapter configuration in a single file?
If you are creating multiple adapter in a project then you can put all adapter in a one file.
Also you can build & deploy all adapter from project root folder using these command:
mfpdev adapter build all
mfpdev adapter deploy all