I published an application to apple app store and I got a message which says that I'm missing marketing icon as I'm using iOS 11. where can I add this 1024X1024 png marketing icon in xamarin studio? I'm using xamarin studio 6.3, xcode 9.0
I faced same issue with Xamarin v.6.3 and xcode 9.0. After long search and long tries, here is how i solve it:
- Add 1024x1024.png icon to your project. (Make sure the png file dose not have Alpha or transparent). you can use Export option in Preview application of Mac.
- Open your Storyboard using Xcode.
- Go to the Assets.xcassets folder.
- Under Appicon category, you find App Store iOS box.
- Drag the icon from your images.
- Save your project in xcode.
- Go back to your Xamarin and make new build, then submit to Appstore.
Now in IOS 11, we need to add a new icon in our project of size 1024*1024. Also, make sure you are using released version not a beta version.
- Under the project in Xcode navigate to “Your project -> Images.xcassets->AppIcon"
- Scroll to the bottom
- Add a 1024x1024 icon
From the post given by Xamarin, App icons should now be delivered by an Asset Catalog.
For help with migrating icons from an Info.plist to an Asset catalog, see the Migrating from Info.plist to Asset Catalogs guide
I manually modified the application icon information that is part of the asset catalog. From your project folder navigate to the asset catalog folder and the appiconset folder within that folder. Locate the Contents.json file and edit it. In the file there is a list of images and you will need to add this text to the list:
"filename": "<YourImageFile.png>",
"size": "1024x1024",
"scale": "1x",
"idiom": "ios-marketing"
You will also need to add the file to your project file by adding these lines to the item group that contains your other icon files:
<ImageAsset Include="Resources\Assets.xcassets\AppIcons.appiconset\YourImageFile.png">
1) Double-click the Info.plist file in the Solution Explorer -> [Your iOS project] and fill the iTunes Artwork:
2) It problem still existing,update your Xamarin Studio to the latest version and try again
3) Try to use Visual Studio for Mac
Note: Remember to fill the App Icons for your target devices in the Assets.xcassets also.