Pod library not installing properly

血红的双手。 提交于 2019-12-11 02:07:20


I have a project XyzAbc with proj structure


After building this project I pick this XyzAbc.framework and push it in github account that has folder structure


I created XyzAbc.podspec file in my local machine its structure is

Pod::Spec.new do |s|

  s.name           = ""
  s.version        = "0.1.1"
  s.summary        = ""
  s.description    = ""
  s.homepage       = ""
  s.swift_versions = "4.2"
  s.license        = {
    :type => "MIT",
    :file => "LICENSE"
  s.author         = "xyyyy"
  s.platform       = :ios, "10.0"
  s.source         = {
:git => "https://github.com/xyz/pqr.git", # github link where I uploaded my compiled library
:tag => "0.1.1"
  s.source_files        = "XyzAbc.framework/Headers/*.h"
  s.public_header_files = "XyzAbc.framework/Headers/*.h"
  s.vendored_frameworks = "XyzAbc.framework"
  s.framework           = 'Foundation'


I am refering this podspec file in my app like

target 'TestApp' do
  pod 'XyzAbc', :path => "../../../../Desktop/XyzAbc.podspec"


But I am not able to see any header inside pod library. In my project TestApp it looks something like this

----Development Pods
--------<Frameworks is missing>

I tried using :http then when I provide zip .framework folder in http link, it is not working but when I provide unziped .framework folder then I am able to use this library.

I am following this https://medium.com/onfido-tech/distributing-compiled-swift-frameworks-via-cocoapods-8cb67a584d57

UPDATE - elaborated

