Java jar file not running in Linux terminal

半腔热情 提交于 2019-12-11 01:38:58


I am trying to run a .jar file in terminal on Linux but gives an error:

[root@localhost dist]# java -jar helloworld.jar
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassFormatError: 
   helloworld.Helloworld (unrecognized class file version)

   at java.lang.VMClassLoader.defineClass(
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
   at gnu.gcj.runtime.SystemClassLoader.findClass(
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(

I have checked my version and it is:

[root@localhost /]# java --version
java version "1.4.2"
gij (GNU libgcj) version 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-51)

What is causing this error and how do I fix it?


Try doing the following -

First Step:

sudo update-java-alternatives -l

This to ensure you have JDK6 installed correctly. It should display something like this -

java-6-sun 63 /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun

Second Step:

sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun

This way both javac and java v6 will be used by default.


Type the following on your terminal -

javac -version

If you get javac 1.6.0_10 or later as the output then you will have to do the following steps. If you dont get the above output, you will have to un-install and re-install java.

Steps to do if version shown is 1.6.0_10 or later

  1. Create symlink-

    ln -s /usr/local/java /usr/local/jdk1.6.0_10

  2. Once that is done, add the following to your .bashrc file

    export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk1.6.0_10 export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$JAVA_HOME/lib


You must have compiled with a newer version of the JDK/JRE than the one you're running the jar with. Check the version of the JDK you're using to compile the project in Netbeans, and then check the JDK/JRE version in the console using

java -version


The error is : "unrecognized class file version" . It means you trying to start jar that was build by incompatible java version.

As I can see, you actually run gcc java. Try to start this jar by original sun/oracle jre


Run the following in your own machine and the actual machine your are trying to deploy:

java -version

If it is different, then you should get the issue.

Note: If you get cannot find command error while running above command, the path variable may not be set correctly. In this case, please go to the dir where jdk/sdk is installed, to bin folder and then run the command.


You get this error if your versions of javac and java are not the same.

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassFormatError: Runner
(unrecognized class file version)

Diagnose the problem this way:

$ which java

$ which javac

Notice how the javac and the java are not from the same directories? Those two need to be from the same place, the same version.

To fix it, I added these to my .bash_profile

export JAVA_HOME=/home2/ericlesc/bin/jdk1.8.0_40
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

Then the error goes away.

You will need yours to point to where you installed java.

