How to load test Server Sent Events?

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2019-12-11 01:09:38


I have a small app that sends Server Sent Events. I would like to load test my app so I can benchmark the latency from the time a message is pushed to the time the message is received so I can know when/where the performance breaks down. What tools are available to be able to do this?


Since Server-Sent Events it is just HTTP you can use siege utility. Here is the example:

siege -b -t 1m -c45


  • -b benchmark mode i.e. don't wait between connections
  • -t 1m benchmark for 1 minute
  • -c45 number of concurrent connections
  • my dev server host and custom port
  • /streaming HTTP-endpoint which respond with Content-Type: text/event-stream


Lifting the server siege...      done.

Transactions:                 79 hits
Availability:             100.00 %
Elapsed time:              59.87 secs
Data transferred:           0.01 MB
Response time:             23.43 secs
Transaction rate:           1.32 trans/sec
Throughput:             0.00 MB/sec
Concurrency:               30.91
Successful transactions:          79
Failed transactions:               0
Longest transaction:           30.12
Shortest transaction:          10.04


I took a simple path of creating a shell script that initiates N background jobs of cURL which connected to the SSE endpoint of my service. To get the exact cURL syntax, open your Chrome web dev tools -> Network tab -> right click on the entry of the request to the SSE endpoint and choose from the context menu "Copy as cURL"

Then you paste that command in a shell script that roughly looks like:


while [ $i -lt 50 ] ;do
    [PASTE YOUR cURL COMMAND HERE] -s -o /dev/null &
    i=`expr $i + 1`;

This will add 50 background cURL jobs each time it's run. Notice that I added to Chrome's cURL command the params -s -o /dev/null. This is to run cURL in silent mode and to suppress any output.

In my case the service was implemented in NodeJs, so I used process.hrtime() for high precision timing to measure the delay of looping through the N connected clients to broadcast the data.

The results were ok: it served 1000+ active connections in ~0.02sec

Keep in mind that if you run server + cURL clients from the same machine, you'll probably hit OS limits of open files. To see open file limits on your linux box (common case is 1024) run:

$ ulimit -n

To avoid reaching the 1000+ active cURLs I got, you can:

  • start them from multiple machines
  • or increase this limit (see sysctl)

The problem I faced was that eventually node crushed with an ELIFECYCLE error and the log was not very helpful in diagnosing the problem. Any suggestions are welcome.

