Currently I have a function [degtest] which is created in the shiny server, that returns a list,
return(list(datatable=datatable, predicttable=predicttable, esttable=esttable)
I want this list to be accessible after the function has run so that I can use different parts of the list to be rendered separately.
outlist <- reactive({
if(input$d2 == 0){return(NULL)}
with(data = reactdata$degdata, degtest(reactdata$degdata[,input$selectTemp], reactdata$degdata[,input$selectPot],reactdata$degdata[,input$selectWeight], reactdata$degdata[,input$selectTime], input$Temp0))
input$file2 is my reactdata (reactdata$degdata and input$d2 is an action button.
I thought i'd be able to reference outlist$datatable but R says ' object of type 'closure' is not subsettable'
When you are making an object reactive
, you are actually making it into a sort of function (closure
), so you have to use it as outlist()
rather than outlist
. See this similar question. It's hard to answer your question considering you did not provide a reproducible example, but I think your solution will be something like outlist()$ObjectYouAreTryingToAccess