Regardless of the fact that copying a unique_ptr
makes sense or not*, I tried to implement this kind of class, simply wrapping a std::unique_ptr
, and got into difficulty exactly where the copy is taken, in the case of a smart pointer to base and the stored object being a derived class.
A naive implementation of the copy constructor can be found all over the internet (data
is the wrapped std::unique_ptr
copyable_unique_ptr::copyable_unique_ptr(const copyable_unique_ptr& other)
: data(std::make_unique(*other.get()) // invoke the class's copy constructor
Problem here is, that due to the left out template arguments, is that the copy creates an instance of the type T
, even if the real type is U : T
. This leads to loss of information on a copy, and although I understand perfectly well why this happens here, I can't find a way around this.
Note that in the move case, there is no problem. The original pointer was created properly somewhere in user code, and moving it to a new owner doesn't modify the object's real type. To make a copy, you need more information.
Also note that a solution employing a clone
function (thus infecting the type T
's interface) is not what I would find to be acceptable.
*if you want a single owning pointer to a copyable resource this can make sense and it provides much more than what a scoped_ptr
or auto_ptr
would provide.
After some struggling with getting all the magic incantations right so that a good C++ compiler is satisfied with the code, and I was satisfied with the semantics, I present to you, a (very barebones) value_ptr
, with both copy and move semantics. Important to remember is to use make_value<Derived>
so it picks up the correct copy function, otherwise a copy will slice your object. I did not find an implementation of a deep_copy_ptr
or value_ptr
that actually had a mechanism to withstand slicing. This is a rough-edged implementation that misses things like the fine-grained reference handling or array specialization, but here it is nonetheless:
template <typename T>
static void* (*copy_constructor_copier())(void*)
return [](void* other)
{ return static_cast<void*>(new T(*static_cast<T*>(other))); };
template<typename T>
class smart_copy
using copy_function_type = void*(*)(void*);
explicit smart_copy() { static_assert(!std::is_abstract<T>::value, "Cannot default construct smart_copy for an abstract type."); }
explicit smart_copy(copy_function_type copy_function) : copy_function(copy_function) {}
smart_copy(const smart_copy& other) : copy_function(other.get_copy_function()) {}
template<typename U>
smart_copy(const smart_copy<U>& other) : copy_function(other.get_copy_function()) {}
void* operator()(void* other) const { return copy_function(other); }
copy_function_type get_copy_function() const { return copy_function; }
copy_function_type copy_function = copy_constructor_copier<T>();
template<typename T,
typename Copier = smart_copy<T>,
typename Deleter = std::default_delete<T>>
class value_ptr
using pointer = std::add_pointer_t<T>;
using element_type = std::remove_reference_t<T>;
using reference = std::add_lvalue_reference_t<element_type>;
using const_reference = std::add_const_t<reference>;
using copier_type = Copier;
using deleter_type = Deleter;
explicit constexpr value_ptr() = default;
explicit constexpr value_ptr(std::nullptr_t) : value_ptr() {}
explicit value_ptr(pointer p) : data{p, copier_type(), deleter_type()} {}
explicit value_ptr(const value_ptr& other)
: data{static_cast<pointer>(other.get_copier()(other.get())), other.get_copier(), other.get_deleter()} {}
explicit value_ptr(value_ptr&& other)
: data{other.get(), other.get_copier(), other.get_deleter()} { other.release(); }
template<typename U, typename OtherCopier>
value_ptr(const value_ptr<U, OtherCopier>& other)
: data{static_cast<pointer>(other.get_copier().get_copy_function()(other.get())), other.get_copier(), other.get_deleter()} {}
template<typename U, typename OtherCopier>
value_ptr(value_ptr<U, OtherCopier>&& other)
: data{other.get(), other.get_copier(), other.get_deleter()} { other.release(); }
const value_ptr& operator=(value_ptr other) { swap(data, other.data); return *this; }
template<typename U, typename OtherCopier, typename OtherDeleter>
value_ptr& operator=(value_ptr<U, OtherCopier, OtherDeleter> other) { std::swap(data, other.data); return *this; }
pointer operator->() { return get(); }
const pointer operator->() const { return get(); }
reference operator*() { return *get(); }
const_reference operator*() const { return *get(); }
pointer get() { return std::get<0>(data); }
const pointer get() const { return std::get<0>(data); }
copier_type& get_copier() { return std::get<1>(data); }
const copier_type& get_copier() const { return std::get<1>(data); }
deleter_type& get_deleter() { return std::get<2>(data); }
const deleter_type& get_deleter() const { return std::get<2>(data); }
void reset(pointer new_data)
std::get<0>(data) = new_data;
pointer release() noexcept
pointer result = get();
std::get<0>(data) = pointer();
return result;
std::tuple<pointer, copier_type, deleter_type> data = {nullptr, smart_copy<T>(), std::default_delete<T>()};
template<typename T, typename... ArgTypes>
value_ptr<T> make_value(ArgTypes&&... args)
return value_ptr<T>(new T(std::forward<ArgTypes>(args)...));;
Code lives here and tests to show how it should work are here for everyone to see for themselves. Comments always welcome.