VB.NET / C# code to access target path of link (lnk) files produces some wrong paths

此生再无相见时 提交于 2019-12-10 22:35:06


I found this code:

    Public Shared Function GetLnkTarget(ByVal lnkPath As String) As String
    Dim shl = New Shell32.Shell()
    ' Move this to class scope
    lnkPath = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(lnkPath)
    Dim dir = shl.[NameSpace](System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(lnkPath))
    Dim itm = dir.Items().Item(System.IO.Path.GetFileName(lnkPath))
    Dim lnk = DirectCast(itm.GetLink, Shell32.ShellLinkObject)
    Return lnk.Target.Path
    End Function

It works for some .lnk files, but for example if I add my Skype.exe desktop link it produces:


Is there a fix for this?


Try this:

Function GetTargetPath(ByVal FileName As String)

    Dim Obj As Object
    Obj = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

    Dim Shortcut As Object
    Shortcut = Obj.CreateShortcut(FileName)
    GetTargetPath = Shortcut.TargetPath

End Function

    Private Sub Teste_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load 

MsgBox(GetTargetPath("C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\BitTorrent.lnk"))

'here you chose the location of .lnk file

End Sub


CreateShortcut() doesn't work as expected with certain shortcuts that have a greyed out target in the properties, like Adobe Reader and Microsoft Word. The targetpath ends up being something under c:\windows\installer (icon?).

