I have a web page that is using a SVG coordinates on the asp.net framework.
By trial an error, if i take out most of the tags i recieve no error. But if all the tags are in i get the following error
Compiler Error Message: CS8095: Length of String constant exceeds current memory limit. Try splitting the string into multiple constants.
Line 195: private global::System.Web.UI.LiteralControl @__BuildControl__control2() {
Line 196: global::System.Web.UI.LiteralControl @__ctrl;
Line 197: @__ctrl = new global::System.Web.UI.LiteralControl("\r\n\r\n \r\n<div class=\"row\">\r\n <div class=\"col-xs-24 banner section\">\r\n " +
Line 198: "<div class=\"row\">\r\n<div class=\"col-xs-24 col-sm-14 map-container\"> <!-- MICHAEL:" +
Line 199: " be sure to add the class \'map-container\', this is for the tooltip location -->\r" +
the source code is
<div class="col-xs-24 col-sm-14 map-container"> <!-- MICHAEL: be sure to add the class 'map-container', this is for the tooltip location -->
<!-- <img class="map" src="images/map.svg" width="100%"> -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 18.1.1, SVG Export Plug-In . SVG Version: 6.00 Build 0) -->
<svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px"
viewBox="0 230.5 613.3 331" enable-background="new 0 230.5 613.3 331" xml:space="preserve">
<polygon fill="#FFFFFF" points="609.6,301.2 609.4,301.1 609.3,301.1 609.1,301 609,300.9 608.8,300.8 608.6,300.7 608.5,300.6
608.4,300.4 608.3,300.3 608.2,300.1 608.1,299.9 608.1,299.8 608,299.6 608,299.4 608,299.2 608,299 608,298.9 608.1,298.7
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611.2,297.6 611.4,297.7 611.5,297.9 611.6,298 611.7,298.1 611.8,298.3 611.9,298.4 611.9,298.7 612,298.9 612,299 612,299.2
612,299.4 612,299.6 611.9,299.8 611.9,299.9 611.8,300.1 611.7,300.3 611.6,300.4 611.5,300.6 611.4,300.7 611.2,300.8
611.1,300.9 610.9,301 610.8,301.1 610.5,301.1 610.4,301.2 610.2,301.2 610,301.2 609.8,301.2 "/>
<polygon fill="#FFFFFF" points="601.2,301.1 601.3,301 601.4,300.8 601.5,300.7 601.7,300.6 601.9,300.5 601.9,300.5 602.1,300.4
602.2,300.4 602.4,300.3 602.6,300.3 602.7,300.3 602.8,300.3 602.9,300.3 603.1,300.3 603.4,300.4 603.5,300.4 603.6,300.5
603.8,300.6 604,300.7 604.2,300.8 604.3,301 604.3,301.1 604.5,301.2 604.6,301.4 604.6,301.5 604.7,301.8 604.8,301.9
604.8,302.1 604.8,302.4 604.8,302.5 604.8,302.7 604.7,302.9 604.6,303 604.6,303.2 604.5,303.3 604.3,303.5 604.3,303.7
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601.1,301.2 "/>
+8000 more lines
What can i do? I need to use the element tags because with jquery i am going to have events happening to these tags. So i cannot point just point to the file. I need all the
update i got the inline polygon tags down to 1 line of 898kb, and i noticed VSBComplier.exe (something like that) take up ALL of my RAM and crash my browser.
Still have to take the svg out in comment in order to debug.
THe issue was iisexpress vs iis.exe w3p.exe. This only happens on my local computer
in debug it gives this error.
Putting it on a production server, the error does not happen
Hopefully this thread serves a purpose. Even though my computer has plenty of RAM and space.
How about separating your very long string constant into several chunks and have them all in a List<String>
Also, consider using single-page-application approach where you make an ajax call to the web server which will directly return the SVG data and then display the SVG data using client side programming such as JQuery. This will avoid having to render things server-side in ASP.NET MVC's views.
Just a shot in the dark here, by why not load the SVG via CSS?