I'm working on a brand new Rails 5 app, and I can't launch Capybara-Webkit. I'm following these indications.
My development process includes Docker-Compose, then CircleCI for building the Docker image and sending it to Google Cloud Registry.
The $ bundle install
is fine, the $ docker build
is done, but I can't even launch a spec locally with Webkit.
When I launch this command, it hangs out and freeze:
$ docker-compose run web xvfb-run -a bundle exec rspec
I can't find any many informations about the xvfb-run command, I'm assuming it's a launcher packaged in xvfb...
Here is my Dockerfile:
FROM ruby:2.4.1
RUN apt-get update -qq && apt-get install -y \
build-essential \
libpq-dev \
nodejs \
xvfb \
qt5-default \
libqt5webkit5-dev \
gstreamer1.0-plugins-base \
gstreamer1.0-tools \
RUN mkdir /app_dir
WORKDIR /app_dir
ADD Gemfile* /app_dir/
RUN bundle install
COPY . .
Edit 07/08/2017
I think I got misleaded by my dev environment. When I try to launch my spec with guard instead of directly with the rspec, I get another error:
/usr/local/bundle/gems/capybara-webkit-1.14.0/bin/webkit_server failed to start.
This doesnt help me much. This Github issue makes me believe that I need to do something with xvfb.
I tried to launch webkit_server
directly from the gem bin folder, and I got the following error:
QXcbConnection: Could not connect to display
Edit #2 07/08/2017
I found a way to launch my test suite. If I first launch a bash terminal in my docker compose system, I can then use xvfb without problem.
$ docker-compose run web bash
$ xvfb-run -a bundle exec rspec spec
And everything work as expected. The initial problem remains: when I launch this command:
$ docker-compose run web xvfb-run -a bundle exec rspec
It stay on hold and never launch any spec. I'm looking into docker-compose configuration, I must have missed something.
Weird stuff: when I launch my specs via guard it's working... I have no idea why.
Edit #3 08/08/2017
I ended up writing an issue in Capybara-Webkit repo.