Facebook Sharer Can't See OG:IMAGE Tag At First Check

放肆的年华 提交于 2019-12-10 19:48:30


I am trying to share this url via facebook(change RANDOM_STRING with any random string because of facebook cache):


at first try facebook will decide picture which is there is a men. Refresh facebook page and try again share with same url at this time picture will be changed and you will see keyboard image which is correct image.

og:image tag is always correct why this is happening ?

How can I prevent ?


Run your URL through the Facebook Object Debugger to make sure that your OG image tag is correctly being picked up by Facebook. This will also force a re-cache of the image.

I ran it through quickly and there were a couple errors that came up. Primarily missing URL and title OG tags. You'll want to have these to avoid circular redirects. See here: Debugged

I would personally remove that cache bust all together. It's confusing Facebook because it looks like a directory. If anything, use a query string.

