how to include a file inside a model in codeigniter?

半腔热情 提交于 2019-12-10 18:50:36


I’m new to codeigniter and maybe my question is a bit stupid but..I cant understand how I can include a file inside a model.

Inside del model folder I’ve a subfolder named include and inside this I’ve some php file.

The structure is something like that:



—include —-file.php —-file1.php

Inside mymodel.php how I can include the file.php?

I’ve heard that the relative path is allways the index.php, so I’ve tried:

 include ‘models/include/file.php’

but it seems not working.

I’ve tried to use base_url() and site_url() without any luck..

Can anyone help me?


This should do:


(url helper must be loaded to use the base_url() function)

If you want a relative path:


All files are relative to the main index.php, usually


Basically inserting direct file in model in not good approach. There are two best approach to follow... if you have class file then put your file in application/library folder and from model call like this..

$this->load->library('file name without .php');

Then use methods similar as you include file


If this situation does not suits you then make a file in helper ...make functions and then call from anywhere controller or model or view...

Hope this will help

