I want to achieve a javascript program that count through a word and return the word and the number of times it appears eg {hello : 2, "@hello":1, world : 1, toString:1}
below is my code but i only get the total number of words
function words(str) {
app = {};
return str.split(" ").length;
console.log(words("hello world"));
Use reduce to iterate the words array, and count the instances:
function words(str) {
return str.split(" ").reduce(function(count, word) {
count[word] = count.hasOwnProperty(word) ? count[word] + 1 : 1;
return count;
}, {});
console.log(words("reserved words like prototype and toString ok? Yes toString is fine"));
An ES6 approach that reduces over an array of items such as strings and returns the count:
const strFrequency = function (stringArr) {
return stringArr.reduce((count, word) => {
count[word] = (count[word] || 0) + 1;
return count;
}, {})
let names = ["Bob", "Bill", "Bo", "Ben", "Bob", "Brett", "Ben", "Bill", "Bo", "Ben", "Bob", "Ben"];
// => {Bob: 3, Bill: 2, Bo: 2, Ben: 4, Brett: 1}
function words(str){
var words = [];
//check if words list is empty if so then insert the first word into the array
var word = str.split(" ")[0];
words.push({"word":word, "occurences":1});
//convert string to array so you can iterate through it
str = str.split(" ");
//iterate through the array starting from the first position because word at the position 0 is already in the array
for(var i = 1; i<str.length; i++){
//iterate through the words list to the see if the word has appeared yet
var wordExists = false;
for(var j = 0; j<words.length; j++){
if(str[i] == words[j].word){
//word exists in word so count one up
words[j].occurences += 1;
//used to prevent the word from being inserted twice
wordExists = true;
//insert new word in words if it
words.push({"word":str[i], "occurences":1});
return words;
This is the code and what I passed through @ori
function words(str) {
var adjustedStr = str.replace(/\n|\t|\s\s+/g, ' ');
return adjustedStr.split(' ').reduce(function(count, word) {
count[word] = (count[word] || 0) + 1;
return count;
}, {});
console.log(words("reserved words like prototype and toString ok?"));
it consoled out
{toString: "function toString() { [native code] }1"}
To allow reserved words in object literals without using the hasOwnerProperty, you could use a null constructor for the Object.
function words(str) {
var adjustedStr = str.replace(/\n|\t|\s\s+/g, ' ');
return adjustedStr.split(' ').reduce(function(count, word) {
count[word] = (count[word] || 0) + 1;
return count;
}, Object.create(null));
console.log(words("reserved words like prototype and toString ok?"));