Concrete5: Can I use $_GET variable for query string on Regular Page?

痞子三分冷 提交于 2019-12-10 18:07:16


How does $_GET Variable works with Concrete5? Can I use that on regular page?

I know I can do this with single page via url segment, I'm just wondering if it is possible with regular page.

Example is :


Get-parameters are available via the controllers. In the view of a page or block use:


A cleaner way for custom parameters would be to define them in the function view() of the page controller. If at is your page and you define the view function of it's pagetype controller like this:

function view($name) {
    $this->set("name", $name);

... and call the URL – then "test" will be passed under $name to your page view.

Note that controllers for page types must be in controllers/page_types/ and called BlablaPageTypeController ... with "PageType" literally being in there.


You can use it in a template. For instance, you can grab a variable...

$sort_by = $_GET['sort'];

And then use that variable in a PageList lookup, similar to:

$pl = new PageList();  
$ctHandle = "teaching";
// Available Filters
$pl->filterByCollectionTypeHandle($ctHandle); //Filters by page type handles.
// Sorting Options

if ($sort_by == "name") {
} else {
   $pl->sortBy('teaching_date', 'desc'); // Order by a page attribute

// Get the page List Results 
$pages = $pl->getPage(); //Get all pages that match filter/sort criteria.
$pages = $pl->get($itemsToGet = 100, $offset = 0);

Then you can iterate over that array to print stuff

if ($pages) {
  foreach ($pages as $page){
echo '<a href="'.$page->getCollectionPath().'">'.$page->getCollectionName() . '</a><br />';

Props to the C5 Cheatsheet for the PageList code.

