I'm trying to test webhooks from Stripe.com on my locahost (dev machine) using Visual Studio 2017. My site uses https. In order to test webhooks, you need a url, so on my local machine I have to install and use ngrok. Ngrok gives me a url to provide to Stripe so stripe knows where to send the post request. The problem is ngrok doesn't work with https!
I've been looking for a solution for 2 days and I've emailed ngrok to ask, they replied with
you should be able to configure VS to expose a non-encrypted port but i'm not super familiar with it in a way that I can tell you how to go about doing it. maybe the ngrok VS extension will help? https://ngrok.com/docs#visual-studio
I've already tried running the extension. No luck! All it does is open up the ngrok.exe and runs it.
So I'm trying to see if it's possible to open/expose a non-encrypted port? I assume this means a action method or controller using http and NOT https?
Or does it mean something else? Is this possible in ASP.NET MVC???
I was able to get my ASP.NET Core MVC project to accept test Stripe webhooks calls this morning using ngrok in VS 2017 running on IIS Express.
I had to do two things:
Turn off
when testing. I modified myStartup.Configure(..)
to only use HTTP redirection when not in development like this:public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env) { if (env.IsDevelopment()) { // <snip> } else { // <snip> app.UseHttpsRedirection(); // <- Moved from outside to inside else block to allow ngrok tunneling for testing Stripe webhooks } // <snip> app.UseMvc(); }
Start ngrok tunneling using the non-HTTPS URL for the website. In my case, my project is configured to use the following ports:
<binding protocol="http" bindingInformation="*:64768:localhost" /> <binding protocol="https" bindingInformation="*:44358:localhost" />
So my ngrok command is this:
ngrok http 64768 -host-header="localhost:64768"
Hope this helps someone - I too struggled for awhile to get this to work.
See my answer here: How To Disable Https in Visual Studio 2017 Web Proj ASP.NET Core 2.0
Note: If I'm wrong about there being a default unsecured URL, the question above has a solution for disabling the secured URL. I didn't try it because there was already an unsecured URL defined in my existing project (as I suspect there is with yours as well)
- Also, this answer seems good (Ngrok errors '502 bad gateway'), but again I didn't need to try it.
Just use the established unsecured URL instead of the secured one.