Hello how to get the total number of unread messages in quicblox? For all dialogs. Is there any direct api call? Thanks!
Please find the ways of counting unread messages in the SDK Chat Samples. For example, iOS: http://quickblox.com/developers/SimpleSample-chat_users-ios
Here is Working code to fetch total unread-message count from quickblox (Swift)
let dialogsIDs: NSSet = NSSet(array: [])
QBRequest.totalUnreadMessageCountForDialogs(withIDs: dialogsIDs as! Set<String>, successBlock: { (response, count, dialogs) in
print(count) // Your unread-message count is here.
}) { (response) in
print(response.error as Any)
If you want to fetch the unread count for particular dialogID then simply pass the dialogsIDs in array like this :
let dialogsIDs: NSSet = NSSet(array: ["5c500568a0eb470421271794","5c523447a28f9a3ac1f2c1ca"])