I know that arrays with lengths determined at runtime are possible by declaring the array normally:
char buf[len];
and I know that I can declare an array as a compound litral and assign it to a pointer midway:
char *buf;
buf = (char[5]) {0};
However, combining the two doesn't work (is not allowed by the standard).
My question is: Is there any way to achieve the effect of of the following code? (note len
char *buf;
buf = (char[len]) {0};
Thank you.
The language explicitly prohibits this Compound literals
1 The type name shall specify an object type or an array of unknown size, but not a variable length array type.
If you need something like this, you'd have to use a named VLA object instead of compund literal. However, note that VLA types do not accept initializers, meaning that you can't do this
char buf[len] = { 0 }; // ERROR for non-constant `len`
(I have no idea what the rationale behind this restriction is.)
So, in addition to using a named VLA object you'll have to come up with some way to zero it out, like a memset
or an explicit cycle.