I have several BusinessObject classes that refer to each other and I need to serialize one in a JsonResponse and return it to my view. I keep getting a circular reference exception and I cannot get rid of it. I have placed the [ScriptIgnore()]
decorator on every property that is not a simple data type property and I am still getting the exception. I cant figure out where the problem is, as I am blocking the serializer from just about everything and it is still blowing up on me.
Is there any way to see what they current state of the serialized object is?
public JsonResult GetAnalysisInfo(int id)
ProjectContext myDB = db;
SearchAnalysis searchanalysis = SearchAnalysis.Find(myDB, id);
//searchanalysis.Results = searchanalysis.SearchResultsPrototype(myDB);
return this.Json(searchanalysis);
I have also tried implementing ISerializable to no avail. My GetObjectData is very simple:
public void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
info.AddValue("SearchAnalysisId", this.SearchAnalysisId);
info.AddValue("Created", this.Created);
Still getting a CircularRefernce error. DateTime data types don't cause problems with Serialization right?
What I'm doing to prevent that error is to return an anonymouse type that reflects my object's properties like this :
public JsonResult CompanyListJson()
var list = (from companies in appContext.Companies
where companies.Active.Equals(true)
select new
Name = companies.DbName,
Id = companies.Id,
Active = companies.Id.Equals(CurrentCompany.Id)
return Json(list, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
Maybe it's not the best way, but it allows me to keep my JSON thin and push only the data I need ( and avoid that circular reference exception of course )
Looking at your sample, I would select new anonymouse type from SearchAnalysis, taking the properties I need. That should work