Does spring-context support JSR-330 Qualifier on bean instances?

假如想象 提交于 2019-12-10 15:54:27


Spring has its own Qualifier annotation, I think it's equivalent to the javax.inject.Named annotation, which in turn is a concrete qualifier in JSR-330.

So, I'm wondering which version of Spring, if any, supports Qualifier?

Here is my example usage, unfortunately it doesn't work with spring-context 3.0.5:

public @interface Version {

    String value();


public class MyConfig {

    @Bean("book-12") @Version("a") Book book12a() { ... }

    @Bean("book-12") @Version("b") Book book12b() { ... }


public class UserClass {

    @Inject @Named("book-12") Book anybook12;

    @Inject @Named("book-12") @Version("b") Book book12_b;



Yes, it supports all javax.inject.* annotations. I myself have used the javax.inject.Qualifier

Btw, I assume you want @Service or @Component instead of @Bean, and you need your Book class to be made spring-managed.

