Aptana Studio 3, build: theme - the currently displayed page contains invalid values

核能气质少年 提交于 2019-12-10 15:17:04


What shall I do?

I just updated Aptana and now the Theme part of the Preferences is not working anymore. Anybody with idea or suggestion?


I got the same problem. After updating Aptana to 3.5, whenever I looked at the themes settings, it crashed down saying.

"the currently displayed page contains invalid values"

Probably the new update has its own bugs for some reason.

the only way to fix the problem is to downgrade the version of Aptana studio.


just Download 3.4.1 version and all things gonna be ok.


Aptana Studio got updated today to build: and then I lost all the built in themes. But hey, I could install Eclipe Theme from http://eclipsecolorthemes.org/

The procedure to add themes is:

Help > Install New Software > Add > {type some name e.g. Eclipse Color Themes} in Name box and add this link in the location box: http://eclipse-color-theme.github.io/update/ > Click OK.

You should be able to see the plugin load. Click the check box > Next > Restart. You should be able to see the Themes in Preference > {search theme} > General > Appearance > Color Theme


Edit: Update to Aptana Studio 3, build: to fix issue

Finally updated to Aptana Studio 3, build: Now default Preferences > Aptana Studio > Themes work! I still miss the icons to change themes from the main interface.

Eclipse themes does not work still, you may uninstall the plugin.

