
Cannot install Aptana Studio on Windows 10: Failed to Correctly Aquire installer_git_windows.exe file: CRC Error

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2021-02-11 13:09:10
问题 Whenever I run the standalone installer for Aptana Studio I get the following error: Failed to Correctly Aquire installer_git_windows.exe file: CRC Error I'm running Windows 10, I've looked online for hours and have found no solution. 回答1: I had the same error. I believe it still has something to do with the nodejs. I went to this site https://nodejs.org/en/download/ use the 32 bit version for Windows 10. Then installed an older version of Aptana https://aptana-studio.en.uptodown.com/windows

How to debug ruby tests in Eclipse/Aptana Studio?

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2021-02-07 08:57:25
问题 is there a way to debug all/single tests in Aptana Studio / Eclipse? ruby-debug19 & ruby-debug-ide are installed and I'm able to set breakpoints and debug my development environment, e.g. in a controller's index method. If I go to http://localhost:3000/controler_name eclipse opens debugging perspective and halts. But how to do that with tests / rspec tests? Thanks in advance. 回答1: For a normal ruby file, right click on it and select Debug As > Ruby application . If your test is a rails one

How to debug ruby tests in Eclipse/Aptana Studio?

笑着哭i 提交于 2021-02-07 08:52:23
问题 is there a way to debug all/single tests in Aptana Studio / Eclipse? ruby-debug19 & ruby-debug-ide are installed and I'm able to set breakpoints and debug my development environment, e.g. in a controller's index method. If I go to http://localhost:3000/controler_name eclipse opens debugging perspective and halts. But how to do that with tests / rspec tests? Thanks in advance. 回答1: For a normal ruby file, right click on it and select Debug As > Ruby application . If your test is a rails one

Aptana Studio 3 Not Showing Themes

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2021-01-28 06:24:24
问题 So I recently moved all of the files that I want to keep onto a secondary hard drive in my laptop. This also included the workspace I use for Aptana Studio 3. As a result, there was a particular file that I had to delete and let the program recreate just to get the program to start up as well as re-import the projects I was working with. The issue now, though, is that I cannot change or even bring up the themes in the preferences editor. When I first go to Window > Preferences > Aptana Studio

editor showing errors with Aptana Studio 3 after update

安稳与你 提交于 2021-01-27 12:49:24
问题 I have used Aptana Studio 3 for the programming of python for quite a while and never had problems. But after the update today (the version now is, the editor stopped recognizing a lot of code (it marks functions like len, int, float and even things like None or True as errors). I still can run all my programs without any problems so i figured that this must be an issue with an editor. Any ideas what the problem might be? 回答1: Not really a solution, but this


*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2020-11-01 18:17:36
1 前言 PhPStorm 是 JetBrains 公司开发的一款商业的 PHP 集成开发工具,PhpStorm可随时帮助用户对其编码进行调整,运行单元测试或者提供可视化debug功能。Phpstrom的一款名为Magicento的插件对快速创建Magento插件十分有用。 2 常用快捷键(keymaps:Default情况下) Esc键编辑器(从工具窗口) F1 帮助 千万别按,很卡! F2(Shift+F2) 下/上高亮错误或警告快速定位 F3 向下查找关键字出现位置 F4 查找变量来源 F5 复制文件/文件夹 F6 移动 F11 切换书签 F12 返回到以前的工具窗口  注意:部分快捷键,必须在没有更改快捷键的情况下才可以使用 3 快捷键 3.0 查询 CTRL+N 查找类 CTRL+SHIFT+N 查找文件,打开工程中的文件(类似于eclipse中的ctrl+shift+R),目的是打开当前工程下任意目录的文件 CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+N 查 找类中的方法或变量(JS) CIRL+B 找变量的来源,跳到变量申明处 CTRL+ALT+B 找所有的子类 CTRL+SHIFT+B 找变量的 类 CTRL+G 定位行,跳转行 CTRL+F 在当前窗口查找文本 CTRL+SHIFT+F 在指定路径查找文本 CTRL+R 当前窗口替换文本 CTRL+SHIFT+R

为什么要进行 URL 编码???

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2020-05-08 16:32:56
作者:降瑞雪 cnblogs.com/jerrysion/p/5522673.html 我们都知道Http协议中参数的传输是"key=value"这种简直对形式的,如果要传多个参数就需要用“&”符号对键值对进行分割。 如"?name1=value1&name2=value2",这样在服务端在收到这种字符串的时候,会用“&”分割出每一个参数,然后再用“=”来分割出参数值。 针对“name1=value1&name2=value2”我们来说一下客户端到服务端的概念上解析过程: 上述字符串在计算机中用ASCII吗表示为: 6E616D6531 3D 76616C756531 26 6E616D6532 3D 76616C756532。6E616D6531:name1 3D:= 76616C756531:value1 26:& 6E616D6532:name2 3D:= 76616C756532:value2 服务端在接收到该数据后就可以遍历该字节流,首先一个字节一个字节的吃,当吃到3D这字节后,服务端就知道前面吃得字节表示一个key,再想后吃,如果遇到26,说明从刚才吃的3D到26子节之间的是上一个key的value,以此类推就可以解析出客户端传过来的参数。 现在有这样一个问题,如果我的参数值中就包含=或&这种特殊字符的时候该怎么办? 比如说“name1=value1”

为什么要进行 URL 编码???

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2020-05-07 16:17:32
作者:降瑞雪 cnblogs.com/jerrysion/p/5522673.html 我们都知道Http协议中参数的传输是"key=value"这种简直对形式的,如果要传多个参数就需要用“&”符号对键值对进行分割。 如"?name1=value1&name2=value2",这样在服务端在收到这种字符串的时候,会用“&”分割出每一个参数,然后再用“=”来分割出参数值。 针对“name1=value1&name2=value2”我们来说一下客户端到服务端的概念上解析过程: 上述字符串在计算机中用ASCII吗表示为: 6E616D6531 3D 76616C756531 26 6E616D6532 3D 76616C756532。6E616D6531:name1 3D:= 76616C756531:value1 26:& 6E616D6532:name2 3D:= 76616C756532:value2 服务端在接收到该数据后就可以遍历该字节流,首先一个字节一个字节的吃,当吃到3D这字节后,服务端就知道前面吃得字节表示一个key,再想后吃,如果遇到26,说明从刚才吃的3D到26子节之间的是上一个key的value,以此类推就可以解析出客户端传过来的参数。 现在有这样一个问题,如果我的参数值中就包含=或&这种特殊字符的时候该怎么办? 比如说“name1=value1”

Linux paste.

前提是你 提交于 2020-03-23 16:27:50
3 月,跳不动了?>>> Linux: xclip,pbcopy,xsel用法 terminal 复制粘帖 (mac , ubuntu) 博客分类: Ubuntu / Mac / Github / Aptana / Nginx / Shell / Linux Windows下 使用系统自带的clip命令。 位于C:\Windows\system32\clip.exe。 示例: C代码 收藏代码 echo Hello | clip 将字符串Hello放入Windows剪贴板 dir | clip 将dir命令输出(当前目录列表)放入Windows剪贴板 clip < README.TXT 将readme.txt的文本放入Windows剪贴板 echo | clip 将一个空行放入Windows剪贴板,即清空Windows剪贴板 Ubuntu下 ubuntu下的用户可以只用apt-get来安装: C代码 收藏代码 sudo apt-get install xclip 其他发行版的用户可以选择自己的安装方式,也可以用源码编译安装,xclip项目的主页是: http://sourceforge.net/projects/xclip/ xclip可以将内容输出到‘X’的剪切板中,比如: C代码 收藏代码 echo "Hello, world" | xclip

Update Aptana to has hidden all my connections?

只愿长相守 提交于 2020-02-23 03:23:49
问题 I´ve updated Aptana Studio 3 to version and no longer have success to my connections. Where can I find them and recover? I'm using Aptana as standalone, not as eclipse plugin. 回答1: Ok, a new problem results. I´ve manually retyped all my Connections, so that I did my works yesterday. But today I started Aptana Studio and all my Connections are gone again! They are choosable again in the Connection Manager, but after another restart, they are gone again. Is