Currently there is no example on the internet for a bubble chart having a legend, using dc.js, with the dc.legend() function.
.margins({top: 100, right: 10, bottom: 30, left: 25})
return d.value.src_category;
.keyAccessor(function (d) {
var x = d.value.avg_time/d.value.count;
return x;
.valueAccessor(function (d) {
var y = d.value.hundred_bounce_rate/d.value.count;
return y;
.radiusValueAccessor(function (d) {
var r = Math.round(d.value.sessions/d.value.count);
return r;
return [p.key,
"Average Time On Page: " + (p.value.avg_time/p.value.count).toFixed(2),
"100 - Bounce Rate: " + (p.value.hundred_bounce_rate/p.value.count).toFixed(2),
"Sessions / Page Views: " + (p.value.sessions/p.value.count).toFixed(2)]
.xAxisLabel('Average Time On Page')
.yAxisLabel('100 - Bounce Rate')
There MUST be someway to use legends in the Bubble Chart.
Assumptions :
1) Have used top-margins.
2) Used a colorAccessor() function to color the bubbles using a group.
3) A 'g' element is getting appended to the 'svg', with the 'dc-legend' class being assigned to the 'g' element. But there are no child elements to the legend.
It was talked about on github here: https://github.com/dc-js/dc.js/issues/485.
However, to my best knowledge I believe you will have to hack it if you want a legend in this case.