I am trying to install Siege with libssl on Mac OS 10.12, but when I use the utility against an https
url I am receiving the following error.
[error] HTTPS requires libssl: Unable to reach https://example.com/ with this protocol: Socket is already connected
I am installing with the following commands from this wiki:
./configure --with-ssl
make install
use brew to install siege.
it fixed the issue for me. the only extra thing i had to do was to link siege.
https://coderwall.com/p/qfrk1w/making-siege-work-with-https-on-os-x-mavericks .
brew uninstall siege
brew install openssl
brew link --force openssl
brew install siege
The extra steps ti had to do (Mac OS Sierra low) . ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/siege/4.0.4/bin/siege /usr/local/bin/siege .
This is on macOS Mojave, with openssl installed using HomeBrew. You'll be using a brew
command to get the openssl install directory:
git clone https://github.com/JoeDog/siege.git
cd siege
# here's what you're looking for:
./configure --with-ssl=$(brew --prefix openssl)
Now you can run siege with ./src/siege https://whatever.domain.invalid
. This was tested with Siege 4.0.4rc3 commit hash 05dcfac88ecdd57bd94276e4ce82477cba9129b6 and openssl 1.0.2s on macOS 10.14.5.