I'm wondering is there a similar framework like Vaadin built on top of GWT which wraps the original GWT components but with server-side only event handling? (I know that Vaadin is built on top of GWT. I'm looking for an alternative solution.)
Vaadin is nice because of it's precompiled nature. I found compile times with GWT horrific the last time i've worked with it. Also it's a bit easier to maintain security if event handling code runs on the server. It would be nice if the standard GWT could be used in a similar way.
I don't think there is another like vaadin. and vaadin is already server-side..
see this http://vaadin.com/learn for more info
Have you seen this? - http://code.google.com/p/gwteventservice/
For server-side alternative, you might take at a look at ZK too.
Notice that its client side is based on jQuery, not GWT. However, you won't notice it at all since they both are server-side solutions and using pure Java.
Event handlers that you normally deal with are in server-side Java code. Consider this:
final Button testButton = new Button("Test Button");
testButton.addListener(new Button.ClickListener()
public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event)
mainWindow.showNotification("I am server-side code!");
As you said, you need to compile GWT code only when adding a custom component to your code. Vaadin's built in components are already compiled and put in the jar file. Although sometimes your IDE might detect your project as a GWT project and try to compile the widgetsets every time you change the code, when you might want to ask it to ignore.
If you look for alternatives to Vaadin you might have a look at Echo2.