How to fetch private data with YQL on Yahoo PHP5 Sdk yos-social-php5

邮差的信 提交于 2019-12-10 13:44:55


I am using Yahoo PHP5 SDK and use it to fetch user contacts from table social.contacts which is a private data. On the example, from Delicious, it only shown fetching public data from YQL. May I know what parameter should I use to fetch private data with the class YahooYQLQuery and Execute()? I have tried to follow the example but following error message appear:

YQL query failed with error: "Authentication Error. The table social.contacts requires a higher security level than is provided, you provided ANY but at least USER is expected".


On the YQL code examples page, the best example to walk through is the YQL Social Application. (The Delicious/OAuth stuff is obsolete now.)

Also, when creating your Yahoo API key, make sure to select "This app requires access to private user data" and under Contacts, choose either Read or Read/Write, as appropriate for your app. This may be causing your YQL failure.

