I've a question, I am using tdftk to split pages of a pdf file from php. using following command
$command = escapeshellcmd("pdftk ").escapeshellarg("/var/www/card/card.pdf")." ".escapeshellcmd(" burst");
$result = passthru($command);
it's working very well, and splitting the pages into files.
now my question is can i set the output location where burst files should be store.
by default it is placing the the files at site web root, where as I want the files at /var/www/card/pages/ directory.
is there any way to do this in PDFTK?
Please please help me with this...
I wanted to do the exact same thing : you can specify the output directory and the name format with the "output" parameter of pdftk. ex :
pdftk your_file.pdf burst output your_directory/page_%02d.pdf
See the pdftk doc for more informations :
Hope this helps, Vincent