Ionic iOS App Error - Custom Scheme URIs are not allowed for 'WEB' client type

亡梦爱人 提交于 2019-12-10 12:43:54


I am using this plugin.

The implementation works fine for android. But google sign in on iOS opens safari webview and throws 400 invalid_request.

I am using the ios client id and reverse client id generated on google developer console.

Anyways to debug or know what the issue is?


The usual cause of this error is having an incorrect REVERSE_CLIENT_ID. Double check that you have the REVERSE_CLIENT_ID from the plist file downloaded when you set up the iOS application registration on the Google developer console. Note that if you got it wrong, changing this is difficult, as it gets copied into various locations and won't update automatically if you just try to change it in config.xml. When I mistakenly used my Android client ID to set up the plugin, I found that as well as config.xml I also needed to change the top level package.json file, and the <appname>-Info.plist in the platforms/ios directory in order to get the correct ID used.

