I want to either turn off the filling or change the _FillValue to None/NaN in the NetCDF file. How do you do this? I have tried looking it up and nobody talks about it. When I output a variable such as longitude, this is what I get:
float32 lons(lons) units: degree_east unlimited dimensions: current shape = (720,) filling on, default _FillValue of 9.969209968386869e+36 used
I have also tried masking, but it still gives me the information above.
Here is some code I have:
lati = numpy.arange(-89.75,90.25,0.5)
long = numpy.arange(-179.75,180.25,0.5)
row = 360
column = 720
dataset = netCDF4.Dataset(r'Y://Projects//ToriW//NC Files//April2.nc', 'w', format = 'NETCDF4_CLASSIC')
dataset.misisngValue = None
dataset.filling = "off"
lats = dataset.createVariable('lats', 'f4',('lats'))
lats.units = 'degree_north'
lons = dataset.createVariable('lons','f4',('lons'))
lons.units = 'degree_east'
print (lons)
lats[:] = lati
lons[:] = long
Pre = dataset.createVariable ('Pre',numpy.float64, ('lats','lons'))
Pre[:,:] = total
_Fill_Value is the proper name for the attribute you want.
should work.
dataset.setncattr("_Fill_Value", None)
might work. I'm not sure, but will work to change the _Fill_Value.